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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Home Security. Afficher tous les articles

dimanche 15 septembre 2019

قد تم اختراق حاسوبك!

هل حاسوبك مخترق؟

            مع كل يوم تطور فيه التكنولوجيا وكذا اساليب وطرق الاختراق، ليكن في علمك انه هناك اناس يعملون ليل نهار للبحث عن الثغرات الامنية والاساليب الجديدة للاختراق وطبعا لكل منهم هدغه، فاحد يريد المال وذلك ببيعها بمبالغ خيالية على حد خطورتها والاخر يبحث عن الشهرة في العالم الرقمي ولكل هدف.

             هل أنت في امان من كل مخاطر الاختراق والتجسس ؟ لا يا صديقي لا حماية 100 بالئة في عالم 0 و1، للاسف حتى مضاد الفيروسات لن يكون كافيا، هل حاسوبك مخترق اذا ؟ هذا ما سنحاول الاجابة عنه اليوم وذلك باتباع بعض الخطوات.
01- مراجعة التطبيقات التي تشتغل مع اشعال الحاسوب وذلك اولا بالذهاب الى ايونقة ويندوز او démarre قديما وثم كتابة الامر msconfig كما هو موضح في الصورة 01 أسفله.
msconfig windows

الان اضغط entree ومن النافذة المنبثقة اختر منها démarrage والتي ستظهر لنا قائمة البرامج او التطبيقات التي ستشتغل تلقائيا عند كل مرة نشغل فيها الحاسوب، كل مت عليك هنا هو التعرف على البرامج والتاكد من انك انت من قام بتثبيتها وكذا مكان حفظها
فمثلا التطبيقات المجهولة المصدر سيكون اسم محررها مجهول (inconnu) وهذا امر يدعو للشك والتأكد من التطبيق ومسار نزوله ايضا، فالفيروسات يكون مكان نزولها عادة في مسار AppData او Temps وهي ملفات مؤقتة ومحببة للفيروسات.

اذا راودك شك حول برنامج ما، فكل ما عليك فعله هو تتبع مساره من قائمة commande ثم حذفه، وطبعا ان كان نشط لن يحذف فكل ما عليك فعله هو ايقاف عمله من مسير قائمة المهام او Gestionnaire de tache  وللوصول اليه كل ما عليك هو النقر بالزر الايمن للفارة فوق شرط المهام ثم اختياره كما هو موضح في الصورة أسفله:

- حسنا الان لابد من التركيز قليلا من فضلكم، فعلى قائمة مدير المهام التي ستفتح امامك سنختار قائمة processus والتي ستظهر لك كل المهام النشطة حاليا على حاسوب كل ما عليك فعله عزيز القارىء هو البحث عن اسم التطبيق المشبوه ومعلوماته ثم ايقافه.

ملاحظة هامة: اذا لم تستطع فتح مسؤل المهام وظهرت لك رسالة خطا فعلم ان حاسوبك 90 بالمئة مخترق.

- وبالطبع مراجعة ملف الهوست ايضا وللوصول اليه بسهولة اكتب على قائمة البحث المسار التالي C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc واضغط entree سيفتح لك مباشرة مكان تواجده كل ما عليك فعله هو فتح اول ملف hosts وقرائته بمحرر النصوص bloc-note ومن ثم التاك من عدم وجود زيادات فيه وساضاع لكم الصيغة الرسمية له.

ملف الهوست:

الصيغة الرسمية والعادية له كالآتي:
الى هنا اكملنا الشرح المتواضعة لطريقة عملية نوعا ما لكشف البرامج الخبيثة.
والهدية في الموضوع هي الطريقة السهلة عن طريق برنامج سهل وصغير كل ما عليك هو تثبيته سوف يعطيك كل اتصالات خارجي او داخلي من والى حاسوبك وكذا الهوست والعنوان الذي تذهب اليه المعلومات.
التطبيق هو x-Netstat وبعد تحميله من غوغل ثم تثبيته، سيظهر لك بهذه الواجهة حيث يعطيك معلومات عن كل بيانات خارجة الى هوست مشبوه او اي شبء من هذا القبيل كما هو موضح في الصورة .

اعذروني على الشرح المستعجل ... حقيقة الموضوع يستحق مقطع فيديو.

lundi 5 août 2019

Are Home Security Cameras Useful For Your House?

Are Home Security Cameras Useful For Your House?

We all know that home security is important but at the end of the day we still put it off and only realize the consequences of our aloofness when we suffer a break in. If you want to protect your family and home you must take care of home security before you have a problem. Once you move in your house, you must ensure that the doors are strong and have the locks changed as well, since you cannot be too sure of the copies of keys that are out there. The next thing you must check is that the windows are sturdy and lockable. Have an alarm system installed if you travel a lot or just are not at home during the day.  

Getting an external security camera would be a better idea since you would know exactly who came to your home when you were not in. Security cameras are now available cheap making surveillance systems affordable and are not just used in mansions and shopping centers anymore.  When people install security cameras the risks of being victims to robberies is reduced tremendously since the cameras scare off probable criminals.  For homeowners that live in neighborhoods that have seen a number of robberies, using security cameras can be quite a relief. 

In the past surveillance systems used to cost a fortune but today they are available in the electronic departments of retail stores at low prices. It costs around a hundred dollars to get a waterproof night-vision cameras with a monitor, which is quite a reasonable amount. Besides this, getting security cameras can also help in lowering the insurance rates you pay and this can be quite helpful since it covers the cost of purchasing security cameras. 

If you attach a VCR to the security system you install, it will give you better peace of mind. If ever you do become a victim of a robbery, you will have the criminal caught in the act on tape and can hand it over to the police who will be able to nail the thief quickly and easily. You can also install split VCR’s that have to be changed every twenty-four hours or security cameras that that would directly download video footage to your PC as it records.

When you choose a security camera system you have to consider a number of details, so you must prepare yourself prior to shopping for it. You must check for power outlets available or if you would like to install a battery powered system that would be a whole lot expensive. It would also need you to invest time to check batteries and change them as it depletes, else the security camera would be of better use as a toy. It would always be a better idea to get power outlets fixed by the electrician incase your home does not have any near the entrances. 

Another factor to consider before you purchase a security camera is where you would like to install the security camera and the number of locations around your home you would like to cover. Getting the large windows under camera surveillance would be a good idea along with the obvious entrances to your home. There are a number of advanced systems that can be used with security systems so that your home has that extra protection. The packages available have pre set numbers that can be called or message delivery if a break in has been detected. 

Security cameras can make things easy and protect your family and valuables when you are out of the house or on vacation. 

ADT Home Security

ADT Home Security

ADT Home Security is America's number one security company and has been in business for over 130 years. Company history includes several milestones. The company continues to be a leader in service and in security system innovation.
In the 1880's, ADT put to use electric signal devices that allowed interactive communication between customers and ADT. During the war years, ADT Home Security automated Security Systems, paving the way for today's Home Security Technology.
The company continues to lead the way in Home Security. They are the largest single provider of Electronic Security Services to over six million accounts in the United States.

ADT is responsible for security at all United States Federal courthouses, 72 U.S. mid and large size airports, and helps secure 19 of the 30 busiest airports in the country.

Installers for ADT put in more than 80 Security Systems per hour. The company employees over 6000 service technicians and installers.

Free risk assessments and security reviews are available for home and business owners the ADT website. A large variety of products and services were available from ADT.

ADT Home Security Services to home owners include basic burglary protection. The Essentials Package includes control panel, keypad, hardwired door and window sensors, hardwired motion detection, indoor alarm, transformer and battery backup and window decals and yard signs.

The other hand of the ADT Home Security protection spectrum is the premier package. The premier package includes control panel, a touchpad, cell guard backup, two way voice speaker station, smoke detector, flood sensor, temperature change or carbon monoxide detector, hardwired door and window sensors hardwired motion detector, indoor sounder, transformer in battery backup, window decals and yard signs.

With this Security package homeowners can rest assured that ADT is monitoring for burglary, power failure, and shows and terrible conditions such as blood or carbon monoxide protection.

Security System demos at ADT's home page give potential customers opportunity to explore the system. Helpful information on the site includes a customer false alarm checklist aimed at helping customers prevent false alarms.
Why are people choosing ADT Home Security Services? Guarantees are one of the reasons. If customers are satisfied with the service they receive from ADT, the company will refund installation and monitoring fees within the first six months of service.

Customers who are victims of a burglary will receive up to $500 toward homeowners insurance deductibles. Customers who remain with ADT's Home Security for more than two years then move are eligible for ADT's premium mover package.
The premium mover package includes a free ADT Security System for the new residence along with a 25% discount on service upgrades.

ADT Home Security business products and services include intrusion detection and video surveillance. The basic intrusion detection package includes next keypad, control panel, motion sensor, door contacts, indoor sounder and window decals.
Premium ADT Home Security business package includes those basics plus other Wireless Devices such as a holdup button.
For large businesses, the company offers a wide array of fire and safety products, video surveillance, radio frequency Security Solutions, intrusion detection, backup communication options, service plans, and a long list of preferred services.

Business services are also available by industry. Banking and finance, commercial and industrial, general business, Health Care, retail and small business are some of the supported industries.

ADT Home Security Company is the nation's oldest provider of Security solutions and the number one choice of Americans for Security Services. The company continues to be a leader and service and innovation.

Achieving Safety With A Burglar Alarm

Achieving Safety With A Burglar Alarm

Years ago, home burglar alarms were only found with rich homes.  These days however, the prices have dropped and they are becoming more common with homes of average folk.  A lot of people who invest in burglar systems go for the do it yourself systems.  They can be wired or wireless, setting off an alarm when an intruder attempts to break in or when they are moving around inside of your house.

With home burglar alarms, there are two types - open and closed circuit.  Open circuit systems work by setting off an alarm when the circuit closes.  When a window or a door is opened, the circuit is immediately completed and the alarm goes off.  Closed circuit systems work the opposite way.  When a window or door is opened, the circuit is broken - also setting off the alarm.

Another, more sophisticated option, are motion sensors.  Motion sensors sense any type of motion within a certain radius to the sensor.  Once it has sensed any motion, it sends a signal out to the control panel that will analyze it and see if the movement is considered suspicious.  If the movement is indeed considered suspicious, it will react to the way you have it set up and inform the proper authorities or sound the alarm.

Motion sensors can also be adjusted as well.  You can adjust them for things such as pets walking around or any other activity that is common with your home that wouldn’t signify a burglary taking place. Motion sensor alarms are very common these days, and one of the best ways to keep your home safe from a burglar - and give you peace of mind in knowing that you are protected.

Normally, it’s a good idea to use motion sensors and magnetic switches with your burglar alarm setup.  Magnetic switches will protect doors and windows while the motion sensors will help to protect larger rooms, such as living rooms and hallways.  The combination of the two is never a bad idea - and will go a long way in protecting your home.

Another available option that you have is a security camera.  Video cameras are also common these days, and can be mounted in very strategic areas throughout the parameter of your home.  They will pick up images in the area they are mounted, which will be displayed on the monitor.  You can also record the video to a videotape as well, making it an ideal choice for anyone who wants to keep track of the information that the camera picks up.

You can also get a burglar system from a home security company as well.  Most companies monitor their systems remotely, and always have someone in the office to look after the system.  Once the alarm is set off, the company will immediately inform the local police or send their own security personnel out to your home.  This way, night or day, no matter where you go, your home will always be protected.

Investing in a burglary system of any type is always a smart investment.  You have several different to choose from, depending on your needs.  If you’ve been worried about your home and the things you keep inside your home, you should invest in a burglary system.  They will help you keep peace of mind, and know that you are protected.  They don’t cost that much either, which makes them an even better investment.  If you own a home - you shouldn’t hesitate to invest in a burglary system.