vendredi 9 août 2019

Drive-By Downloads

Drive-By Downloads

You’re surfing the Web, enjoying a quiet afternoon, when a window pops up on the screen.  “New Windows Antivirus Update Available,” it says.  “Would you like to update your system?”  You get “Yes” and “Cancel” buttons at the bottom.

It looks like a real, honest-to-goodness Windows message, right down to the logo in the corner.  Should you click Yes, or Cancel?

The correct answer is “Neither.”

In programming terms, this is known as a Drive By Download.  A website you visited has this code set to run as soon as you visit.  The pop-up is trying to install something on your computer, and if you click “Yes,” you really have no idea what you’re agreeing to.  Your computer may now be set to make long distance phone calls, or assist in a Denial of Service attack, or just flash adult advertisements at you every thirty seconds.

Many malware programmers design their systems to look just like system messages and windows.  Just because an email or a pop-up says it comes from Microsoft, or your bank, for that matter, doesn’t make it true.

We don’t want any of that, so we should hit “Cancel,” right?


It may look like a standard Windows message, but it’s really not.  It’s just an image of those buttons.  Clicking either button—in fact, clicking anywhere in the image—is the same as clicking “Yes” and giving the mystery program blanket permission to do whatever it’s going to do.

The correct answer is to click on the little “X” at the top right of the window, closing it without clicking on anything inside it.  This is one of the best ways of keeping malware off of your system.

When in doubt, don’t click.  This advice works for ads, email attachments, and mystery files, and is a really good habit to get into.

Denial of Service Attack

Denial of Service Attack

Imagine a group of junior high school kids who decide to play a prank on their least favorite teacher.  They agree that they will all call the teacher’s phone, as quickly as they can dial, non-stop, until he unplugs the phone in frustration.

When this happens using the Internet rather than telephones, it’s called a Denial of Service attack.  Such attacks are designed to either keep the target system so busy handling the attack that it can’t get anything else done, or to overwhelm it into shutting down completely.

Why should anyone but a system administrator worry about denial of service attacks?  Users need to be aware of something called a BotNet.

The MyDoom virus was one of the first viruses to attempt two levels of attack.  First, the virus would try to spread.  On infection, though, it would insert a second program into the system.  Basically, on MyDoom’s trigger date (February 1st, 2004), any infected system would launch a denial of service attack against MyDoom’s real target.

The virus tried to establish a collection of computers that would all launch attacks on the same day.  This collection is a botnet, and in the years since MyDoom pioneered the concept, literally dozens of programs have expanded on the idea.

A popular program in use today is Stacheldraht.  Stacheldraht is the master program, and it manages a collection of “handler” computers.  Each of these handlers can control up to a thousand “zombie” computers around the world.  The hacker with the Stacheldraht master says “attack this server,” the handlers pass the word along, and thousands of systems instantly change from peaceful home computers into remote-controlled computer attackers..

Sure, it sounds like a line from a bad horror movie, but it’s true.  Users need to keep their systems from becoming one of Stacheldraht’s zombies.

Backdoor Programs

Backdoor Programs

It’s the ultimate nightmare for a computer user—the idea that someone outside the computer can take over.  The official “technical” term is Remote Administration, but hackers are more likely to use the word Backdoor.

With Windows XP, remote administration comes pre-installed.  Windows XP has an option called Remote Assistance, where an XP technician can “remote in” and take over your computer.  The remote tech has as much control over your system as if he was sitting there at the keyboard.

The hackers predate Microsoft by several years.

NetBus, for example, was designed in 1998 by Carl-Fredric Neikter, and many of the backdoor programs since then have followed a similar design.  

The program comes in two parts, the Client, and the Server.  The server is the part that has to be installed on the machine to be hacked, and the Client is the controlling system.  Once the Server program has been installed, the Client has almost total control, from dangerous things like recording keystrokes or launching programs to annoying things like opening the CD tray.  Netbus 2.0 Pro was even marketed commercially as a remote administration program.

Some other backdoor programs are Back Orifice (which was named as a pun on Microsoft’s Back Office program), SubSeven, and Poison Ivy.

Any backdoor program allows an outsider full, unrestricted access to the hacked computer.  The hacker can copy information off of the computer, activate webcams, even remotely shut down or crash the computer.  Netbus and SubSeven are very popular among “script kiddies.”

In one major case in 1999, a law professor was fired and charged because system administrators found child pornography on his system.  He was acquitted—almost five years later—when the court was shown that Netbus was used to copy the images onto the computer.

Most backdoor programs are easily stopped by antivirus and firewall programs.

Adware Overview

Adware Overview

Adware is advertising delivered directly to your computer.  Generally, a program puts ads on the screen at some regular interval.  In some cases, this program can be installed without the user's knowledge, but not always.  Many programs clearly state on install that "this program is supported by advertising, and if you turn off the advertising, you also shut down the program."

Adware tends to be a "grey area" in the malware family.  Yes, it can run without the user's knowledge, and yes, it can bog down the system (especially when the adware program goes online to retrieve new ads to display).  At the same time, adware is generally more open about what it does, giving the user the choice to install the program the adware is attached to.

Adware is most often tied into Internet Explorer somehow.  The ads that appear are browser windows.

When it's installed above-board, adware is generally accepted by the internet community as a valid marketing system, even though it can include elements of spyware (ie, it tracks information, and uses that information to deliver targeted ads to the user).  If one user of a system installs adware on a system, and another user is then tracked, then the program crosses the line from adware to spyware--because the second user is being tracked without their consent.

Some other forms of adware have used sneaky programming tricks to hide or cover website advertising.  For example, an adware program can read an incoming website, and learn the location of a banner ad on that page.  Then, the program can use that information to put an ad of it's own in the exact same spot, hiding the legitimate ad.  This deceptive use of adware is often called "stealware" because it steals the advertising space from the original website.

Money matters: Punches of Debts

Money matters: Punches of Debts

Debt, who has not experienced having it? Who does not get pushed to a situation to have it?

Money says it all. Though some people say that money is not the most important thing in life, the paradox happens around us. People do everything just to keep their pockets full. Many even tries to do all means just covet it without considering the morality of the action. People dive, box, steal, swindle just for that thing. People want to live with comfort. Affluence is so influential today. Money pulls opportunities nearer to one. Just imagine one day; you realized that you have too much debt. What will you do? Hide or seek?

There are these effects which are less talked about but they are so true. If one’s debt pile up, it will really give a hard time to the individual. Just the thought of soaring bills, the soonest deadlines, the fines if one could not pay on time… All of these will really make one go mad. Not only mad but-

First, one’s self-esteem will trim down due to the thought that one is so bad to have allowed himself to be in that situation. This effect is proven by many situations. The sudden change in one’s grooming may tell. Keeping your confidence in this kind of scenario is a must. Letting go of one’s self-esteem may just ruin your entire life. The frustration of not making it well will really affect a person’s perception of his very self. He thinks he is the cause of the entire problem. Sometimes, past frustrations will also be opened again.

Stress is a major problem by modern-day people. When one is stressed out due to worrying about his debts, like what if he is going to be put behind bars due to it? These continuous thoughts will really disturb the person psychologically. This will give one anxious moment. Lose of appetite will follow soon. Sickness will follow. Not only lose of appetite but also lack of sleep because of thinking so hard will cause a person to get thinner. His resistance to physical challenges will not be good like it used to.

The most painful blow of having so much debt is the walls it will build within a family. Since you are so affected by the problem, you get irritated so easily. Family members will also share the sentiments, like frustration and shame. There are even times when you will blame each other for the misfortune. Arguments, complains and blames will bloom out of the blue. People involved will surely feel the pain of the situation. A family will be divided, a friendship may crack down. Worst, untoward cases of inflicting deeper degree of pain will be the consequence.

Life is a gamble. WE cannot have everything but we can do something n order to set the path we want to take with our beloved family. Borrowing money is fine. Just see to it that your resources are enough to pay it- on time.

Money and consolidating Debt

Money and consolidating Debt

Debt Consolidation is a means of simplifying payments of debts. It is a method wherein you pay all your debts using one single loan. On the other hand, it may extend your repayment time. It would also mean an increase on your finance charges. Refinancing is one option to lower interest rates.

Let us take a peek on the advantages and the disadvantages of debt consolidation.

As its plus points, it requires only one monthly payment rather than numerous. This simplifies bill paying. It assures also that the bill is paid on time. When it comes to interest, it may also have lower interests than other debts.

As its minuses, reduction in the monthly payment may tempt you to take on more debt. What’s worse is that you may lose your home if you take out a mortgage to pay off unsecured debt.

A well-chosen consolidation plan is necessary so that it will not push you to a deeper pool of debts. There are certain means to get money for debt consolidation. Here are some of them:

  • Borrow money from yourself
-          Money from your savings accounts, Certificate of Deposits (CDs), stocks, bonds, or retirement could be of use or consolidating debts. It just takes risks because this amount may serve as your emergency fund. You may need it ay time soon.

  • Borrow from family and friends.
-          It sounds easy to borrow from this group of people but not paying the said amount properly or just being on time will ruin the relationship.

  • pawnshops
-It can give money instantly but only 30-50% of the real price of an item.

  • Lie Insurance, Loan Account or Home-Equity Loan
-          Are also means of money for debt consolidation but they post disadvantages.

Just bear in mind, a consolidation loan is fine if and only if YOU:

-          Have a high amount of debt;
-          Have a very high interest rate on that debt; or
-          Are considering borrowing more money at a high interest rate.

If you are not committed to repay the debt, you are tempted to use “freed up” money to have more debt or you are risky enough to lose your own car, debt consolidation is not a good idea in any side o the spectrum.
You have to think of some alternatives and not resort to consolidating debt.

Monetary Finances between the Poor and the Rich

                 Monetary Finances between the Poor and the Rich

Money, money, money…

This is the cause of all that is material but the reason why man struggles so hard. The value of money is so unstoppable now. It is so important though people always try to claim that it is not that so much important. The fact is so clear that money matters… a lot.

Around the world, money determines the status of a country in the international scene. The rich ones are of course- powerful. Those which are poor are usually the subject of oppression and discrimination. Even within a country, there is a big deal between rich families and the masses. Sad to say, the gap is so big. We could claim that equality exists but there are so many obvious reasons telling us that it does not. How come many stay on the street begging for alms when many just spend to waste their financial resources?

Money is the cause of imbalance. The world has in it a promise of equality but it seems strange. Third world countries have difficult times to finance all their affairs especially education and health aspects are neglected. For other rich countries, people live with comfort and the value of their piece of coin is as much as the value of the third world’s 12 hours.

This uneven distribution of wealth and finances greatly affect all. Some countries could finance big and expensive events for a night. It may include welcoming so many guests and showing off the riches of a place. For the poorest, their government could barely prioritize their basic needs over military equipment. According to statistics, there are an overwhelming number of hungry people most especially children. This is not overwhelming but a kick on our hearts.

Countries are creating a community of amity. They share what they have while others seek the help they needed. Why some countries’ finance not suffices their people’s mere existence? This is the saddest question to answer. Why? It is because the answer is still unknown.

On the other hand, poor countries do not seem to find means to escape the pity of big countries. They just live with donations. Low financial capacity is often coupled with blaming the society for all the misfortune. The point we want to stress out is, let us not let personal inadequacies to vanish into thin air. Does a poor country strive for its personal wealth? Let us say not necessarily finances.

There is a lot of wealth around us. They come in beautiful forms but we just think money conquers all.